Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Owl Spot...

So the Assignment Cinderella for this blog post and every "owl spot" from this time out is to find me one picture of some awesome owl stuff!

I found a really cute everyday accessory...a handmade Ipod phone/Ipod touch case.

I found it on Click here to go to the artist's sites.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Peanut Butter and Jelly Nation

Here is a little taste (pardon the pun) of my paper on PB & J :) Hope you all enjoy...

A Peanut Butter and Jelly Nation
By: Laura A. Rood

I can’t imagine that there is any sandwich on this planet that is as widely recognized and fondly remembered as the peanut butter and jelly sandwich. What adult cannot think back to their childhood and remember sitting down at lunchtime opening their lunch pail or brown bag to find a juice box, celery sticks, and a perfectly constructed peanut butter and jelly sandwich made with love by mom. The peanut butter and jelly sandwich was and still is a staple in most American diets. It is inexpensive and easy to make, you can take it anywhere and it will not spoil, it is perfect for any situation from a picnic in the park to a snack after a ball game, and it can be made in so many different ways. It is because of all of this that I would conclude that the peanut butter and jelly sandwich is today and forever will be the best sandwich ever in the United States of America.

There are so many ways to enjoy a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. In New York City there is a restaurant called Peanut Butter & Co. Shop, it is dedicated to making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in a variety of ways. One way is called The Fluffernutter® which on top of freshly ground peanut butter and jelly has a heaping serving of Marshmallow Fluff®. Another seemingly delicious sandwich on this untraditional menu is the Dark Chocolate Dreams™ Sandwich which has chocolate peanut butter and cherry jam, and is stuffed with shredded coconut. The menu goes on to list another 10 unique peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. These may not be mom’s recipe but the fact that this restaurant is thriving and able to make a living off of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich shows just how much love Americans have for this sandwich.

Non-ethical arguments with a side of jelly

So the debate of the past week has been what to write about for my college Written Communication course.
We are on the topic of Non-Ethical Argument papers. I had a few ideas lined up like the following:
  • A new international addiction... (Which is referring to video game addiction in adults and in children)
  • Why the corgi is the most recognizable and best breed of dog.... ( I am writing this of course because of my baby dog missy)
  • I work with feet.... (which would have been about the benefits of being a pedicurist and who I help the most)
....but of course inspiration did not hit any of these topics. I had posted a question on my facebook in hopes that one of my friends would have an idea that would break my bout of writer's block and what do you know between the two people that suggested some ideas I found myself a winner....

I want to thank ryan for the following idea....
"Why peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are the best sandwiches ever.... "

It should be a very compelling argument to I will definately post my paper when I am done with the final draft.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Owl Spot....

For those people who have the pleasure of knowing me outside of this blog, know that I have an extensive collection of owls around my house.....well i have decided that everyday in this blog i will post a new owl object everyday. I know many people do not share the same love of these visually knowledged animals as i do, but still they are really cute to look at and there are some amazingly cute creations by the wonderful people of this world.

So the Assignment Cinderella for this blog post and every "owl spot" from this time out is to find me one picture of some awesome owl stuff!

This awesome White Ceramic Owl Umbrella Holder from

I absolutely LOVE this!!!

Giving Blood

Well today I faced one of my greatest fears.......
I finally made up my mind and decided to give back by giving blood. Every Saturday on the same street as I work on there is a farmer's market and the Blood Mobile sometimes makes an appearance. Today I decided that enough is enough, no more fear. I have watched my best friend and one of my Mom's fight cancer, I have met countless people who have had major surgeries, I am turning on the TV everyday and watching the devistation in Haiti and I finally bucked up and decided to do something that could help. Most people probably think to themselves...."what good is 1 pint of blood really going to do?"....well, I decided to research this and here is what I came up with...
  • A bone marrow transplant patient needs three weeks of transfusions (My Best Friend Danielle had to have a BMT in 2009 to help her kick cancer's ass, without blood donations one wonders what would have happened)
  • When you make a blood donation, you join a very select group. Currently only 3 out of every 100 people in America donate blood.
  • Blood transfusion is needed for •women with complications of pregnancy, such as ectopic pregnancies and haemorrhage before, during or after childbirth
  • THE MOST IMPORTANT REASON....YOU COULD SAVE A LIFE...and you never know if it could be that of your son, daughter, mother, father, brother, sister, friends, or just a complete stranger!
According to the World Health Organization There is a constant need for regular blood supply because blood can be stored for only a limited time before use. Regular blood donations by a sufficient number of healthy people is needed to ensure that safe blood will be available whenever and wherever it is needed.
Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person — the gift of life. A decision to donate your blood can save a life, or even several if your blood is separated into its components — red cells, platelets and plasma — which can be used individually for patients with specific conditions

So what I ask today is that you please contact your local red cross, find about about a local blood drive and just take a little time to help out others.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A heartfelt prayer for Haiti.....

I am at work right now and I saw the flash on TV that Haiti was hit again by a 6.1 magnitude after shock. My heart and prayers go out to everyone who is affected by this devistation. So many people are hurt, dead, homeless, there are children who do not have families anymore, the latest shake affected not just those Haitians who experienced the first quake but now it is affecting rescuers, doctors, nurses, volunteers, military help from all over the world. What I ask today of my readers is simple...Please whatever your religious beliefs keep these people in your hearts, minds, and prayers. If you have the ability give blood or donate...a dollar never hurts the pocket.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

About my non-fairytale life....

Being my first blog let me tell you all a little about myself....

My name is Laura Rood. I am 25 years old and am living my everyday life here in sunny Lakewood Ranch, Florida. I spend my time working in a little barber shop doing men's manicures and pedicures, when i am not touching funky feet I am a full time pre-nursing student at the local college.

I have scattered family all over the states of Ohio and Florida, and I am fortunate to have friends all over the world! I don't get to see any of them as often as i would like to but this phase in my life is keeping me at home and quite busy.

I have a wonderful baby girl at home (baby meaning my dog Missy).

She is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi and my whole world at this time.
She is almost 3 years old now and is spoiled to death.

I swore in my life i would never be one of those people that treat the family dog better than they would their own kids, but alas it has happened. Maybe, I should just go ahead and get my rocking chair and the other 10 dogs i need and call myself a spinster.

Aside from my boring everyday information i want to clue you all in on a few reasons why i felt this blog was necessary....
I have a daily struggle with life. I suffer from something called PCOS, it is a reproductive problem that inhibits me fom having children and causes weight gain....(every anorexic out there now has something to have nightmares about). I am having a hard time with the path in life that God and Fate has laid in front of me and sometimes I just don't know what to do with the emotional pain and energy from the physical struggle. So, after a night of no sleep and a year of anger and confusion I have decided to put it all in a blog...
I know that no one might read this...or who knows a lot of people might read this...but I have nothing to hide anymore. This blog is a sanctuary for me and I hope that anyone that reads this that has the life struglle that I have might be inspired to make a blog themselves or find inspiration in their own lives so the day-to-day motions aren't so bad.

But anyway, aside from my melencholy self....I truly hope that you all enjoy this blog and participate in it, especially if you are going through the same things as myself.....