Monday, September 13, 2010

Sooo in love!

I think I have found my dream ring.
I am telling my husband tonight that I found my wedding ring.
I am currently wearing a siple gold band...but now....I want this!
It is a Rose cut grey diamond and it is a mere $400. I found
it on It has such a simple and earthy quality it is just exquisit to me. I know most women reading this must think I am completely out of my mind for not wanting a big shiny diamond, but I am a simple girl who doesn't wear any flashy jewelry so it is simply perfect.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Vintage Photography

I found this picture when I was digging through boxes. It is of my Mom, Grandma, and my older brother. I love this picture it is just so perfect it screams L.L. Bean Family!

Fall Boards

Some beautiful clothes from

Owl Spot

I want! I want! I want! I want!!
This may sound like the rant of a child but i looove these earrings. Something so quirky about them! never fails me. Only $12 and they can be mine...maybe if I have some leftover grocery money I will add them to my jewelry collection.

A new baby boom!

I swear every day someone I know either announces a pregnancy or has a baby! What is in the water now and where can I get some of it?! Mr. Wonderful and I have been trying to have a baby for over 2 years now. We miscarried back in 2007 and have been praying for the best every since then. My fertility struggles are my own and I won't bore people with them, but, in a small part of my heart I hurt and am jealous of my friends and family who have been blessed with their own little miracles. I am happy for all of them, whole heartedly but I just wish I could join in the party.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Fresh Starts in Marriage

So my husband and I talked things out for a few hours last night and there was an easy decision to make... either we file the divorce papers and go our separate ways in life or we take the fact that we love each other enough to stay together and start over. I am happy to say that we decided to stay together and make things work. Marriage isn't as simple as I once imagined it would be ,but, maybe that is part of it. We are learning from every stupid fight and we are growing from it. I love him and I don't want to imagine my life without him .

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My dream apartment!

So I was on Craigslist and I came across this apartment that is up for a rent for a VERY reasonable price. It has such an artsy and urban feel to it. I am in LOOOVE I would do anything to pack up everything I own, load the dogs in the car and make my way up to Columbus, Ohio.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Blogging with the Blues...

Not a great day today. Lots of fighting and possibly the end
to my marriage. To keep myself distracted I have decided to look at things
that I want in the future. From a home to a job to a family, the boards
I will be posting tonight are my hopes and dreams and I hope that
people are inspired to take the initiative to create boards like
this to lift them up when things hit rock bottom.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Best Video I Have EVER Seen..

A girlfriend of mine posted this on her facebook and I feel like I HAVE to share this with everyone. It is an amazing interview put to cartoon it honestly is the BEST thing I have EVER seen. So Please Enjoy...and if you are a sentimental fool like I am grab yourself a box of tissues.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

New Fall Designs!!

I am sooo thrilled to announce that the new fall lines have hit the web!!! I think that the fall fashion season is my favorite. I would love to be living back in Ohio or Alabama were I would actually be able to wear and enjoy some of the beautiful clothing I have seen.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Motivation Factor

So, aside from my personal blog here I also have a weight loss blog on It is a wonderful free weight loss site. The site members are a wonderful group of encouraging and motivating people One of the steps for losing weight is creating boards that are motivating and encouraging to you visually. I wanted to post my fashion consists mainly of clothing from I cannot wait to fit into these clothes!!!